
Students coming to the 正规赌博十大平台排行 have seemingly endless opportunities to build an 经验 - both inside 和 outside of the classroom - that fulfills their curiosity, 让他们追求自己的激情, 并转化为一个让他们兴奋的未来. 对可持续发展感兴趣的学生, 甚至是焦点, 他们在正规赌博十大平台排行的日子里会找到无数种生活方式, 学习, 经验, 和 research these topics in different ways as they make their way through their four years here.



Students coming to the 正规赌博十大平台排行 for their first year will have the opportunity to commit to a deep 经验 in sustainability before they ever arrive on campus by applying to be part of one DU’s themed living communities. 的 环境可持续发展生活及学习社区社会正义,生活和学习社区 offer students class-based opportunities to live 和 work with students sharing similar values. 的 Just 可持续性 themed residence pod will offer a blend of both topics in an 经验-based living community.




One of the most important things students need to do to make DU feel like home is to find a group of people that become your personal community within the larger DU Community. Many students find this in their 学生宿舍, while others find their people in a student group. First year students have the opportunity to meet the different student groups during Orientation, 但如果他们对可持续发展感兴趣, they can also check out the different clubs dedicated to making DU more just 和 sustainable 和 start making an impact right away.




许多学生进入大学时就知道自己想学什么, 而另一些人在选择专业之前会花更多的时间去探索. For students hoping to get a deep underst和ing of sustainability topics - from ecology 和 geography to politics 和 law, there are a variety of majors that will give students an academic 经验 they will never forget.





Many students find that they get some of their most exciting 经验s at college in projects or internships they pursue outside of the classroom. 的 Center for 可持续性 hires a team of highly motivated 和 passionate students every year. 的se students start out at the Center for 可持续性 by supporting the various 项目 和 projects there, 获得广泛的经验和学习. Students who begin working at the Center for 可持续性 early in their college career are likely to stay with the program for the rest of their years at DU, 为许多领导人提供了机会, 专业, 以及个人发展机会.




在第一年, students often join clubs or other organizations to find a community to which they belong. Second year students can use those 经验s to inform decisions about how to get even more involved in DU communities by growing those clubs, 在杜克大学担任领导职务, 和 even creating new communities that bring people together to work towards a common goal of making DU a more just 和 sustainable campus. Students can bring sustainability into any community they are part of - from their fraternities, 联谊会, 还有运动队, 扶轮社, 学生宿舍, 还有校园工作.




Students who are interested in the research side of academia have the opportunity to work with faculty at DU in laboratories on a wide variety of topics in sustainability. 的se faculty research projects are a great way for students to develop the tools 和 经验 that will allow them to pursue personal research projects later in their college careers.





正规赌博十大平台排行的海外留学项目 这个校园对学生有很大的吸引力吗, 和re are international opportunities to fit nearly any interest that students have. For those who are hoping to continue a deep dive into sustainability topics they began in their first two years at DU, there are a huge number of study abroad 项目 related to different sustainability topics all over the world. Not only will you be able to see a new part of the world 和 immerse yourself in a new culture, you can also use the opportunity to get a global perspective on a topic you’ve already explored in some depth in the domestic or local context.




当学生从国外学习经历中归来, they are uniquely positioned to start turning their passions 和 previous 经验s into true leadership opportunities at DU. 他们可以在正规赌博十大平台排行的一个学生团体中担任行政职务, 被聘为可持续发展中心的团队领导, 和 find opportunities to collaborate with campus 和 community partners to apply their 学习ing.





Many fourth year classes at DU include projects that require students to work with community partners or create a real-world project around a topic that they are passionate about. 的 Center for 可持续性 partners with several faculty to create opportunities for students to complete such projects using real data from our campus, 通过课堂作业来解决实际问题, 并将你学到的知识应用于解决超局部问题,并提供切实可行的解决方案.




有时,一个项目超出了单个课程项目的范围, 有足够的深度,可以作为独立学习课的唯一主题. 的 Center for 可持续性 partners with several departments at DU to create unique, 有形的, 以及通过自主学习课程进行深度体验式学习的机会. 的se courses allow students to thoroughly examine a real problem at DU or in Denver 和n explore intersectional 和 interdisciplinary solutions to that problem. 的se courses typically pull together 6-10 students from different majors to study a topic together.





经过近四年的学习和实践, students at DU are in a unique position to teach others about their 经验s 和 lessons 学习ed. Students can share their expertise through workshops hosted by the Center for 可持续性, 通过在国家会议上的演讲, 比如 AASHE年会,或者更本地的机会,如 本科生研究与奖学金 每年春天展示.